
You Are Mine Perfect One


A boy was just sitting in his room, holding a photograph of a girl in one hand. He had tears in his eyes and was watching that photo carefully and after closing his eyes, he started to remember the face of that girl, her eyes, her smile, every single thing of her. only then he remembers the last word of her.

“i hate u.. I just hate you.. Please go away from my life please”.

He opens his eyes suddenly .. Then someone knocks on the door of his room and a girl comes to his room of 5 years..

“Dad” she called him with a sweet smile on her face. 

“yes my princess” he said while exhaling his tears..

“You are sitting here.. How long has mom been calling you to cut the birthday cake” .

“Go and tell you mother, I am coming in 10 minutes” he said with a smile..

“Ok dad” .

he quickly put that photo in the box and then washed his face… after that he joined everyone and enjoyed the party. After some time he cuts the cake with his wife and daughter.

After the party was over, that boy went to his room and was looking at the moon sitting near the window. After a few minutes, his wife also came into the room..

“What happened Vijay?” she asked, looking at him..

“Has Aaru (Vijay’s Daughter) fallen asleep?” he asked, looking at her. 

“Yes she slept .. Well what happened? miss that girl?” she asked.

“Yes .. to what extent I loved her, I had sacrificed everything for her, even used to work overtime to fulfill her every dream. I forgot everything in love .. everything… even myself too.”


“Love.. nice” she said with a small smile..

“Love (His wife’s name) you know to what extent I loved her” he said..

“yepp to this extent, even today the memory of her haunts you. You cry by looking at her photo” 


“How do you know that?” he said while turning his hand on hair..

“I am your wife, I know everything,” she said.

“Someone is right, wife is a spy”.

“very funny😒”  she said hitting him on his shoulder.


“Yes, I remembered her today and why won’t I miss her? Today was the day, on the birthday of aaru, she left me with my baby in my hand by saying that it was a mistake. my love was a mistake. my aaru, my child was a mistake.” 




she comes near Vijay and hugs him, they both sit on the couch kept nearby.


“I would not have even believed in love, if you were not in my life. You equally, sorry maybe you have given me more love than her. My gf betrayed me but the way u handle me n my daughter.”


“Vijay” Cutting him between, she called his name.


“Oops sorry .. I mean our daughter. To take care of both of us and to come in our life, thank you so much” he said.

“Now my luck was bad then why are you saying thank you. I was destined to face you” .

“You” he said while laughing. .

“Sleep, you will be late tomorrow for office”


she says, starts getting up but Vijay grabs her hand.

“Thank you so much for coming in my life”


He sits down in front of her and holds her hand.

“Thank you so much for giving me happiness in life and for telling me that love does not happen only once and there is a perfect one for everyone. Thank you so much, for making me believe, what happened when you did not get your loved one. there is a special one who is made for you and for making me believe that yes love is selfless … Thank you so much, for accepting me with my past.”


He gets up and hugs Love from behind and keeps his hands on her tummy lovingly. 

“thank you so much, for this gift”


“It’s enough now, how many times will you say thank you?” she asked.

“It’s never enough”

“Ok, then i must also say thank you” she said

“why?” he asked.

“because u know what, some girls are very simple, they leave everything in their life and come with them on the basis of trust they have on their husband. Boys also get up the responsibility of that girl .. He gives love to her and helps her adjust to her new home. moreover, take care of your wife as much as take care of your parents, it’s not easy and even though your first love was not in your life but you gave me both the rights and love of a wife .. You told everything about your past and you asked for time, but in that time you never let me feel you are not trying on our relationship. You have tried so hard, that’s why our relationship is so strong today.”


“I have not tried both of us and God has already made you for me, just delayed our meeting.” he said with a big smile.




“Well, there is a perfect one for everyone like you are for me. I love you” he said.


“I love you too”


he turned her towards him and encircled his hands on her waist. A big smile came on her face. he was about to kiss her that’s when he heard someone’s voice



they both quickly move away from each other. Aaru came into the room while roughing her eyes.


“what happened?” Love asked her.


“I want to sleep with you” she said


“Ok baby,” Love said.


“But love, You are pregnant, what if she hurt you while sleeping” he said.


“Don’t worry, I will handel” 


“Actually, Today I want to sleep with both of you,” Aaru said.


“But why today?” Vijay asked aaru.

“Because today is my birthday” Aaru said.


“Your mother said that you were asleep” 


“I slept but then I woke up because mummy hid the cake and I wanted to eat that,” Aaru said while leaking her fingures.


“You ate my cake? I wanted to eat that” Love asked.




“It’s ok,” Love said with a smile.


“Well, I have another chocolate cake, who wants to eat that?” vijay asked.


“Me” love and Aaru both said happily.




Then the three of them together eat cake. He sees his wife and child and then looks up and thanks God.


There is a perfect one in your life, Even if it may take time, but you definitely get it and if you cannot meet with your lover one, then understand that he is not your perfect one.

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