


“Family is like a music some high notes, some low notes, but always a beautiful music.” Yes
the quote define the meaning of family perfectly. Despite being in the busy schedule the one
thing which brings smile on your face is spending time with your family. I still remember,
when we were in our primary classes we used to get assignment of making a family tree.
Being a family means you are a part of something very wonderful, it means you will be loved
and beloved for the rest of the life. Family is the support you will never have to pay for
because come rain, or shine, they will be there to cheer you on with every of your life goal. It
doesn’t matter from which family you belong to, it’s all equal as long as there is love and
caring. There are many values or etiquettes we learn from our families. Family is the place
where you can be yourself, where there is love and trust, where there is values and respect,
where there is support and strength, motivation and encouragement and when it comes from a
joint family, then there are lots of enjoyment and fun as well. There was a time once when
each and every member of the family sit back and relax by having a cup of evening tea
together, but now nobody able to give them a pinch of time to their family. Family is like a
compass when we lost our path, they guide us to the right path and become our strength to
achieve our goal. We all have different relations with each and every member of our family,
valuing those relation doesn’t mean we are wasting our time rather I would say we will be
spending our quality time with them. Earlier there was lots of love and care within the family,
there wasn’t a sign of jealousy or greed within a family, but now as the world is getting more
competitive and money minded these things are getting changed day by day. Each and every
family member is important, but all because of these busy schedule nobodies realize the value
of it. Earlier there was a time when nobody of a single family member thinks of getting
divided rather they always tried to keep the family united, but now the scenario is different. It
seems as if everyone is forgetting the value of the family, everyone is forgetting the base of
their success, day by day everyone is getting money-minded and jealous of each other and
that’s the reason now most of the big joint families are shattered and small. It was our family
who used to tell us the story of A farmer was having seven sons and when those seven sons
started quarrelling with each other the farmer had given them a bunch of seven sticks and
asked them to break those seven together in one go, and when none of them succeeded, he
asked to break them one by one. Ultimately the moral of the story is united we win and
divided we lose, it is also applicable to the family members as well, if we stay united and
trust each other than no one from outside will able to divide us and make us loose. Family is
the ultimate peace of our mind, try not to spoil the environment of it and don’t let anyone else
to spoil it. Ego, Anger, scepticism, disrespect are the main elements which make the bond of
the family loose, whereas love, care, trust and respect are the main elements which keeps us
bonded. It makes the people like us feel low, when we see there is no love and care, no trust
and respect, no unity and support within our family, as after spending the years of busy
schedule when we get back to our family we search for the peace which we get by staying
within our family. Family is something where we get the mental peace, they work like a
stress buster for us, hence maintaining the friendly atmosphere without any hatred and
jealousy is the main key to bind the family together and have the peace and enjoyment.
Family is the base where we learn equality, but now a days all because of these competitive
world the word equality is getting washed off within the family. This competitive world and
money- mind is making the family get shattered off. Hence, keeping the family bonded as it
was earlier is now our duty, by spreading love, care, trust and respect, by making people

realize their mistake in a proper way, by negotiating the hatred, jealous and disrespect, by
removing the thought of “I’m great”. Last but not the least I want to end up with the quote: “
Family is where the life begins and the love never ends.” Until and unless we do something
like that which wash off the trust and love, as family is where today’s little moments will
become tomorrow’s precious memories.

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