


I was walking on Lucknow railway platform grinning from ear to ear unless I heard the
announcement that the train is delayed to that time that from this morning if I wait for that
train it will make my eyes to see next day morning. I in a millisecond thought to leave the
platform and move towards the bus stop, it takes me so little time to think about it because
after all, I am going to my home after so long time. I was walking towards the outskirts of the
railway station but finding that someone is constantly staring at me but that soon dissolved in
my mind as a huge mass of people asking me about that ‘madam where you want to go’.
I said take me to the Aminabad bus stop and quickly get into that auto-rickshaw. While at that
time checking about the food list that I have forwarded to my mom to make when I reach home
suddenly my mouth watered and soon I found that someone that I found staring at me at the
station is now sitting in an auto-rickshaw that is parked beside me. From my watery mouth, I
swallow the water and make myself have a sip of water looking at him with the same look
unless the auto driver said ‘Madam reached bus stop’. I jumped out of it in excitement and run
towards the ticket counter. Take my ticket and started to move towards my bus and get to my
seat with satisfaction as it was a window seat. While viewing out of my window I again see that
strange person and found him coming towards my bus. I was shocked that either there will be
something or only my brain magnifies it.
He entered my bus and he has the seat beside me. I get up and check for another seat
availability but due to Diwali there is so rush that after awhile there was no place to stand, I sit
quietly making my neck rotated only in the window side. Now there is all way Ganga river banks
and I jumped in my mind, oh I reached home as I have slept after the bus started I firstly saw is
the stranger is still looking at me. I found he was seeing something on phone by extra
magnifying it.” Why I am seeing what he is doing? I thought”. Then I start arranging my bag and
finally I reach my home Varanasi.
I happily made this Diwali with my family after a long time. Now is the time to move to my
workplace. I reached Lucknow in the morning and rushed to my duty as I am currently doing my
M.D. from Lucknow medical college in the medicine department. After done for the day I was
going to my friend’s birthday party found that stranger on the road. After seeing my reactions
my friend asked me if there something? I told him all the incidents and she laughed and said
but he is so alluring and you might be “destined”. She is my friend how come I forget that they
are to make fun of you always. She laughed and I make my no reaction face and move to the
venue. We enjoyed it a lot and then after the cumbersome shifts and duties the two months
flew off and the annual fest of the college arrived that last for more than a week. I was going to
my room that is outside with my roommate and she said let’s go to the party. I said I am not
currently in this mood and I went to sleep. The next day she again asked and then I can’t say no,
I should show some respect to her wishes and go to the party.

Guess what? I found him again………. I thought it is either a mere coincidence or my friend’s
word “destined”. I said no to my mind’s thought and said it is a mere coincidence but without
my knowledge, there was some activity in my brain that is working under the word “destined”.
I found him here standing with my colleague( or you can say that a friend whom I don’t talk
much) Swati. She may be his friend. Unless I can think much my roommate comes in between
the path of my eye through which I am looking at him, and said hey! Your destined partner is
here. He is so handsome I am going to talk to him. Saying no to a friend is just a waste. They will
do what they want. Back to my work peeping through my eyes on him and the activity in my
brain without my permission said yes, he is so handsome! After a while, we reached our room
and my roommate starts her mouth without my permission, He is in the Intelligence Bureau
and he is so smart and his voice wow makes you in love with him. In my brain the miscellaneous
activity started that he might be searching someone in the railway station and at the bus stop,
But why our eyes meet. Is there anything that is destined between us? I was so rude when I got
up and searched the seat maybe he is not thinking in the wrong way, should I had to talk to him
at that time. I got confused and went to sleep. Days passed and the thought process continues
in my mind all day and night long and in some or the other way the activity that was going in my
brain without my permission is now going with my permission. Now I was figuring out if we are
destined then we will be surely meeting someday. The day came when we meet but it was not
like what I have thought. I was coming out of the party of our college and I found him standing,
holding Swati in his hands and she is shouting, she was drunk and in a blink she got
unconscious. Unless I understand up to him he managed to place her in the car and move a mile
I went to my night shift duty and the days flew off. Today is Saraswati pooja and I am making
the rangoli in front of the Saraswati sculpture found him again in front of me staring at me in
the same look at the first time interaction, I also looked at him but now with a smile, unless my
smile becomes broad. Swati arrived and jumped into him and hold him like her
boyfriend/fiancee. I looked down and managed to complete my rangoli. I was heavy-hearted
and also no dust gets into my eyes but my eyes were watery and after they leave that place my
eyes were emitting Ganga. We don’t have either conversation, or we know each other’s name.
But there was something that made in this condition may be due to my miscellaneous activity
of the brain or due to the word “DESTINED”. Nothing has happened to me nor my life but I was
unhappy somewhere. Days passed off I was on my duty my roommate arrived she was having
the tiffin for my lunch we were eating it unless a nurse arrived in the doctor’s room and said
that there is a patient admitted in the operation theater he has many injuries on his head and is
from intelligence bureau. What struck my mind I don’t understand but I started crying and
headed towards the Operation theater. When I reached the door I found him, but he was safe
his colleague has got the injury that has been treated by our senior doctor. I saw him, he saw
me. He asked why you are crying, Diya? I was stuck what would I answer, and wait he called my
name I was excited but confused at the same time. I said my eyes get caught by some dust. But
how do you know my name? He answered I am from the intelligence bureau.

I said what should I do with that. He answered it’s very easy for me to know about someone. He
comes closure to me I stepped back. He said, “I love you”. Don’t lie to me these tears are for
me. “What,” my mind said I was astonished, How come he knows the truth and these are the
words that I wanted to listen to from him. He again said I was in love with you from the first
time I have seen you, I got to know everything about you through Swati. I instantly asked Swati
is not your girlfriend, he straight away said no she is my childhood friend. I don’t know why but
I smiled from inside and outside and he asked will you be my life partner? I immediately said
first tell me your name. He said Virat, I immediately think Virat weds Diya and with a broad
smile said ‘YES’. After all, it’s the only thing I wanted to listen to because we were “DESTINED”.

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3 thoughts on “DESTINED

  1. Very nice

  2. Nice😍

  3. · May 30, 2021 at 4:15 pm

    Really nice