


I can feel the cold breeze, its winters and I can feel the warmth already

To be a somebody one should never disregard their talentthis statement simply means that for someone to be great, one must be humble. Everyone has passion and dream. One should never accept that life is an empty dream. Life is indeed real and death is not the goal of life. 

The 26/11 attacks 

Today I won’t focus on one person, a single virtue, but a collage of them. Ordinary people left a deep impression on my mind. I would like to be one of the fighters who laid down their life fighting in Mumbai Attacks in November, 2008.  Major Unnikrishnan, was the NSG commando and made up his mind to become a soldier when he was eight years old, joined the armed forces when he attained certain age. A fierce gunfight took place, and he was fatally wounded while trying to save life of his colleague. Moving on to next hero, Vishnu Dattaram Zende, the announcer at the CST platform. Even though terrorists were on a shooting spree, he continued to guide the passengers, despite the fact that terrorists would target him, he abide to remain truthful to his duties. Terrorists opened fire in his cabin but luckily the bullets missed him. Perhaps, God wanted him alive. Chhotu chaiwala had a tiny tea stall outside the CST terminus. The young lad made arrangements to help the injured people to get to the St. George’s hospital. My list of heroes would be incomplete without Sandra Samuel who saved the life of a 2-year-old toddler Moshe Holzberg. The boy’s parents died at Nariman Point. The battle was long and hard and lasted for three days. Lots of bodies lying still on the ground. Those are the bodies of the soldiers who had died in the battle. Hemant Karkare was the chief of the anti-terrorist squad. He was killed in action during 2008 Mumbai attacks and breathed his last while saving life of Ashok Kamte who died in the later action.  Karambir Singh, The General Manager of Taj Hotel, his whole family were happened to be locked in one of the room, they died of suffocation. But he didn’t pay attention to their safety, instead for him saving the guests was more important. This moved me to tears and overwhelmed with emotions, pain is felt by every Indian and is still distinct in memories.


In some areas terrorists incidents are frequent especially in Jammu and Kashmir. The Pulwama Terror Attack took place on 14th February, 2019. This Incident took place on Jammu and Kashmir National Highway. The whole country was in a great trauma. The attack resulted in the death of 40 CRPF. My heart goes out to them and they are our true heroes who protect are country. No amount of condolences can make any of this better. This day will not be forgotten and neither shall it be forgiven. But, yes I will still pray for peace and together we all will find way to serve the nation instead of mourning. Hope we never have to see another day like this. Terrorists have always targeted public areas such as railway stations, restaurants, markets, places of worship. One should be vigilant 


The 2001 Indian Parliament attack was a terrorist attack on the Parliament of India in New Delhi. During the attack More than 100 people, including major politicians, were inside the parliament building at the time. Luckily, The ministers escaped unhurt. The main aim behind these terrorist attacks is to separate Kashmir from India and merge it into Pakistan. Pakistani continue to raise their concerns diplomatically about Kashmir, but adopt a zero-tolerance policy for terrorist organisations. Pakistan has seen India as an existential threat since the partition some think India still hopes of reversing the split. The countries have fought a series of wars since gaining their independence from Great Britain. 

“Terrorism isn’t a crime against people or property. It’s a crime against our minds. In fact, Terrorists use the media to magnify their actions and further spread fear.

“Soldiers triumph in war”

Soldiers try to hide their pain behind a smile, even though fighting all day all night restlessly. Hiding their pain and wound behind a phrase “small pain.” The reddish-brown blood stain on their shirt, Mixture of blood with the Asian Soil. They could only see the deep craters in the ground and bodies of their fellow soldiers. Soldiers also think as to what their family members might think of them. His wife who considers him as a hero, a strong and grown up man, so  she wouldn’t believe that a small pain in chest could make him weak. He also thinks of his mother holding him close to her chest, would never imagine his son would be sitting one day with a “small pain.”

The soldier wouldn’t mind to even die for a noble cause. It is devastating that the soldier dies due to a physical wound. But the wound that the family faces is 

the one received in their heart.  I feel extremely sad in the futility of war which takes away so many great young lives. There are far better things ahead than we ever leave behind. Being a soldier requires more than courage. It means sacrificing yourself for something greater than yourself. 

Time is a great healer, but

We can never forget Black day…

For a family, who lost everything…

For a sister who lost her reason to smile…

For a father who lost his wife…

Still the heart is burning inside…

 “we have a fighting chance against terrorists, but fire is a different ballgame.”

There’s a heightened threat of terrorists attack globally.

Many people lost their loved ones forever.

There was no place for terrorism in this world and there never will be.

“Terrorism has no religion, no religion teaches terrorism, so rather than accusing the religion, one should make their motherland an abode of peace to the world. We are not blind by patriotism that we won’t be able to face the reality. Wrong is wrong, no matter who does it or says it.”

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3 thoughts on “BRAVE HEARTS

  1. Amazing poetrty. Opened my eyes