
The Letter


Dear Anamika,

I Hope this procession of words finds you with the acme of your mental well-being. I know I could not continue a regular conversation with you. I must admit, I left a ‘vulnerable’ you with an intention to multiply the amount of ‘self-dependency’ within a new you. Okay! now please don’t let the clouds of complaint to overshadow glow of the full moon in your personality.

I do remember that chirpy Anamika, a girl full of emotions sans the tent of practicality and how a thorn of ‘heartbreak’ pricked the shell of naiveness. But the seeds of faith I had for you, turned into saplings  after your transformation caught my attention.

 I happened to see one of your old pictures, pertinent to the time when you were juggling the hope and scope together to fight back like a warrior. Prominent dark circles stood as the identity card mentioning the lingering ache in your heart.

But I must admit juxtaposing one of your recent pictures next to that one, gave a treat to my eyes. What a transformation! How beauty and skill took over the charge to replenish your potential is one of the best ‘takeovers’. You chose to fill fragments of your heart with the tint of transition and the first poem you ever wrote well reflected the same. The art of writing, for you is not just filling the paper with a bunch of thoughts but to help your thoughts attain the sense of liberation.

The tussle with pandemic was concomitant with a tussle within you. You have seen the wedding card and pictures of the one once you dreamt of marrying. Every piece of your heart cried for the last time over the injustice you made to yourself by adorning a spineless wonder with garb of trust.

Anamika, you excelled the art of acceptance profoundly and that is how you found yourself back. This letter is like a token of love from my side to assure you, no matter what my claps are always there to cheer you up. I congratulate you for unlocking the stern side of yours in this phase of lockdown!

Keep inking, Keep sparkling!

Truly yours,


After writing a letter to the ‘self’, Anamika circumnavigated a journey which showcased her vulnerability and ability at the same time. The lockdown helped her to get close to herself and heal the scars she unintentionally got laden with. A break up from the self is the only real break up! She sighed with a smile to embrace the dawn to leave the dusk behind and inked the name of her debut book ‘the letter’! 

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