I still remember this day last year, exactly as it unfolded as if it happened only yesterday. That day I lost everything I had. It began like every other dull day. But my excitement on this particular dull day had its source in the little guest we were expecting any day now. My wife, Marilyn was nine months pregnant with our first girl and we couldn’t be more excited.
It was the fifteenth of July. And as per the doctors guess, it was about the time for labour pains. And soon enough, that afternoon, her water broke. Panic, nervous excitement was all over me. I phoned for the ambulance. By the time it arrived, Marilyn was sweating all over, her pains were getting unbearable; for her to go through and me to watch, helplessly. Finally, the ambulance arrived.
On the way towards the hospital which was less than half an hour away, the nurse present with us was able to provide her with a little relief. But we encountered an unprecedented problem on our way.
July was a month of heavy rainfall and all through the day, it had been pouring heavily. This, not only caused the ambulance to arrive late but also delayed our reaching the hospital.
Time was passing by and the road was starting to get crowded. The high rainfall alert had compelled even the corporates to leave early. And as a result, it took us one hour to cover the distance. Not to mention the water accumulated on the road wasn’t helping either.
Throughout it all, I prayed. Prayed for the first time in my life, prayed for the safety and health of my wife and daughter.
The moment we reached the hospital, Marilyn was rushed in, into the operation theatre. The journey and the time-lapsed since the water broke and exhausted her to the point of losing consciousness. At this stage, the situation was critical for both the baby and the mother.
The light outside the operation theatre went on and I paced in the corridor outside. Praying, wishing, striking deals with God, in exchange for the safety of my child and wife.
An hour later, the light outside the operation theatre went off. I was relieved. But instead of the nurse coming out with the child, the doctor came, empty-handed.
“I’m sorry.”, the doctor said, ” We did all we could. But we couldn’t save them.”
“Them?”, I asked, too shocked to comprehend anything.
“Your wife and your child; they are no more.”
Earth shook beneath my feet and the weight of the entire world rested on my heart.
One day and I lost them both.
Today, as I stand with flowers in my hand, looking down at their grave, a broken man, I wait for my time to come, time to join them.