


In medieval period, there was a budhist monastery in Tawang of Arunachal Pradesh. There were many monks living there, the great Dijama is the cheif monk of the monastery. Dijama has many powers than a common man, he does his rituals regularly to keep his power in tact.
Every evening, after all the works done, the people of Tawang and nearby villages come to the monastery and practice meditation to relieve their souls. After that session many monks give their preachings.
It was the day when the great Dijama gave his preachings. After that session Shirley, a girl from Tawang who always comes to the monastery, sits sadly in the holy hall and weeps a little. As passing by, Dijama sees Shirley weeping, comes towards her and asks the reason of her sadness, as a reply Shirley says that she was recently married to a man but she was not happy with him, he seems to show love but he do not show any love and always doubt her with the every man she talks with. Why did God made all this to her.
Oh! The great Dijama, can you please tell me what is love, i need more peace and know the worth of love?” Shirley asked.
Oh my girl shirley, you need to listen to this story for sure.
Many days back, at early morning when I sat for meditation, I saw a butterfly taking some water drops, to a far place in a small bean like structure having a curved centre resembling a small bowl.
I observed it for three days, it almost took water like that more than 100 times.
My curiosity bursted, went to it and asked, hello butterfly can i ask you some questions.
“Why not, monk. You have special power to talk with every animal and insect, the people like you give respect to our feelings too. So you can ask anything that i can answer.” Butterfly replied.
I am eager to know the reason behind taking water in the bean every day.
Oh monk! My name is Seema, me and my husband Arnab lives in the tea garden on the slope of the hill. We are a happy couple sharing love. There are many workers in the garden but Hemanth is very special, he is young of all workers over the estate. Once upon a time his mother also worked here but she passed away a few years ago, from then Hemanth always shares his things to a painting of his mother. We used to wander over there and also listen to him. Something new that day Hemanth was so happy, he came with a bunch of flowers and kept them near his mother’s painting.
“I am a very much happy mom, today I met a girl. Her name is honey. For the first time i got a friend, she shared many things, she is a very nice person.” Hemanth to painting.
After that day many days went, daily he used to meet her. Slowly his friendship turned its face to love. Hemanth was pretty sure to explain his love to her. He went to tell, but his fingers shivered, lot of tense in his face. He stopped to say and relaxed a bit. As conversation prolonged, she said that her birthday is coming soon. Hemanth fixed that he has to propose on her birthday with a gift.
But as Hemanth is poor to afford the gift, he cut shorted his dinner for 10 days so he saved 150 bucks. With those money he went and purchased a pair of handmade earrings.
Birthday arrived, he was invited for lunch. So he searched all over the trunk and wore a neat dress. He packed the earrings in a cover. Lot of happiness in face filled with joy. He started to go to her house. She treated him well, when he thought to propose then a boy came
She introduced him to Hemanth as a best friend and also she said that they both are like two eyes for her.
Lot of expectations in Hemanth’s heart left into confusion. He didn’t propose and gave those earrings as a birthday gift.
After days passed, she was always talking about the other boy. Hemanth felt very sad. He didn’t think over the consequences and proposed to her. She gave a big NO. After that she started ignoring Hemanth. Hemanth was completely mad of her, he spoiled his health always thinking of her, skipping his meals. She couldn’t take over it and came to spend some time with Hemanth. Hemanth was completely ill and didn’t care about her words. After that, if hemanth wanted to talk with her, she used to avoid him. In a discussion after many days she said a sentence that hemanth’s part in her life is disturbing her and she felt tortured and if she had a chance to remove someone from her life. She would remove Hemanth. This made Hemanth crazy. He was in vain. He came home back with a lot of anger in face and pain in heart. He threw all the items of the house in a clumsy way. Disturbed the glasses and banged all vessels.
Me and my husband were fighting in his room, one of the vessels came and hit my husband’s right wing. He had fallen on the ground, I was so worried. He felt so ill. Then Karan, my spider friend came to help out my husband. My husband’s right wing was torn in the middle, it takes many days and months to heal.
Karan drew a web around my husband and took him to our nest. My husband was so thirsty, I went in search of water. I found water but don’t know how to take it near my husband. My husband was moaning out of thirst. An ant named Siyan brought a bean and bitten it in the centre, it took the bean near the tap and waited to fill it and brought that water filled bean near my husband. My husband drank them. I thanked that ant and from then I took that bean and carried water to my husband. I am filling them in a sepal of flower, when my husband gets thirst he is drinking. Hope my husband gets recovered soon.
“You have a great love towards your husband seema.” Said Dijama.
Then butterfly flewn from there and came every evening to talk with Dijama.
This was the story of that butterfly Shirley. Now if we come to your question, love is a mystical source which has a power to make an evil person into a good soul, at the same time a good person into a wicked one. The way we see it differs the product. God always gives us right path but sometimes we ignore those suggestions and re-create our destiny. That may lead to any situations.
Always we should make something productive from the situations.
With these words, Shirley gets into deep thinking. Then Dijama puts his hand on her head and says her to sit in posture of meditation. Guides her to get into deep meditation, makes her to experience the peace. After that she leaves from the monastery.
When she was leaving the monastery. The both butterflies come in couple to visit Dijama as seema’s husband got recovered completly, then seema sees Shirley and get into monastery and say Dijama that the honey who was loved by Hemanth is leaving.
Then Dijama says, I know it seema. She was in a confusion of her life, so I explained her the past.

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