
That one moment


It was 12 on clock, exactly after 1 hour I had to leave for station as I was going to a new locality for my higher studies.

 Bags packed checked all the essentials and went to my mommy’s room. She was neither happy nor sad she had mixed emotions as i was leaving my home but for hire studies and a higher career opportunities. As a friend she was happy, but as a mother she was sad so the situation was not quite normal. Holding her emotions she give me a nice hug. And because I was not in a state to say anything so I give a bunny hug and came out of her room. Now it was time to meet everyone present in the house and leave for the station. POM,POM!!  “TIME TO Go” said my father in the car then I Gave everyone a nice good bye hug and left for station.On the way to terminal, I was thinking about the memories which I have made with my family in the past, precious time spent with them. And as the saying “That we respect things when they are gone or when we are away from us ”  I also realise the importance of my family. From fights with my little sister to a  healthy debate with my mother and sweet talks with my father keeping everything locked in my heart and and preserving my tears in my eyes closed, these thoughts were going on in my mind or I would say in my heart .

My father dropped me on the station and finally it was time for a final goodbye. 

After reaching the platform climbing the stairs I started inspecting about the arrival of the train and then I discovered that the train was10 minutes late from its actual time of arrival so kept my luggage aside sat on a bench closed my eyes, and I was lost in my world of dreams, abiding by new locality adjust to a new place is not an easy thing with these thoughts in my mind.

“Train is arriving on platform no 1”

 Heard the announcement and I was out of my Dreamland, it was time to board the train.Climbed the two steps and began searching my seat after one or two minutes I found my seat, and sat comfortably there it was time for the train to leave the station when A young boy came there, hazel divine eyes, dazzling smile, around 5.5 to 6 inches tall, He wore besutied clothes from glasses till shoelaces with only one bag hung on his shoulders.He came and sat beside me. He had a good Vibe around. 

Like he had a quality of bringing smile on a sobbing face. Healing many internal wounds with just one smile.

When a girl came and asked that are you ok it was the time when I realise that it was not his seat but he was asked from someone to exchange their seats.

 I was reading a book which which has already been read by  that boy and he loved the book.

Alchemist! Hey,

I love this book

 Book was interesting so I replied

Yes, I am also loving it.

 It was the first time that we conversed but it felt like he is known to me. He began to explain what ever happened further in the story and because the story was interesting so I also paid attention to what he was saying.After some time

What’s your name?

Where are you going?

and I got the answer 

I am a student. I am going to college for my higher studies.

Then we exchange a “same pinch” as I was also going for the same purpose.Slowly and gradually because of the same age we begin to communicate more. Found some topics for discussions and in this process we ended up having a serious debate on it due to which after sometime. I discovered that almost all thought processes was same but the way of expressing them was different

Then the train stopped on a station and we were told that we have 15 minutes to have rest or take something from outside as refreshments I had my lunch packed but the boy went out to take some thing for himself.  I suddenly heard that train whistle but something was there which I thought that I am forgetting and suddenly I realise that the boy who was sitting next to me was not there I peeped through the window but

didn’t saw him I went to the door of the train to see if he is near or far  but he was not there as well. I thought he might have gone.  But didn’t knew  why I had a feeling of grievance in my heart then I decided to go and sit on my place when I heard my name in a hoarse voice, I saw that he was running and trying to board the train, so I give my hand to him so that I can help. Then he ran at a fast pace held my hand tight and climbed up.

Both of us saw each other other and laughed a lot because that was a filmy situation went back to our seats

Where did you go?

Do you know how much I was tensed. I thought you have gone without telling me anything. I began to shower questions upon him.

Then suddenly I saw his face and realized that I am not behaving normal something is wrong with me.

Don’t worry I was just outside. Having a walk so that the food is digested

And by the way I cannot think in my dream to go without taking your permission ” Madam”

With a bowed posture

Looking out of the window i was thinking about that 1 moment when he was running and I give him my hand “Something was special about that moment” which is baffling

Whenever I think about that moment it brings a nice huge  smile on my face but every time I fail to realise what was actually special about that moment.

 After that  we didn’t had a conversation as the train stopped on another station and his destination was before his very eyes. He stood up hung his bag and he left the seat  vacant

Ba bye! I said

He rose his hand but suddenly there was lot of commotion and I could not receive his final goodbye

He was a different kind of person, different from others

He had a golden quality, i.e, sitting in every person’s heart without even realisation.

 Even after three years, I remember the situation as if I have been through all that just few days ago. 

That moment was captured in my heart like a memory which brings smile on my face, gentleness and my nature, and coolness to my heart.

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