


This is the first time that Ujan has set foot in public life in the new normal. Although he had been indirectly aware of the impact of the epidemic on the lives of the people in the area, he felt a lot of it directly today. As there used to daily morning duty, Ujan had to catch the bus at 5:22 am before dawn.Today, despite being on night duty, Ujan has to go out on the streets with time in hand, to keep the whims of his lover, to keep the standard of the order to meet suddenly in the midst of the epidemic.

Today, six and a half months have passed without meeting Anuja. Anuja has claimed “His Ujan has forgotten her.” Ujan laughed at the thought of Anuja. Suddenly, the bus stopped and shook a bit . He brought his mind back to this world and sat steadily. Suddenly five or ten little fingers ran through the window and began to chirp in front of him. Ujan sat away in a moment and shouted loudly. Fingers slowly descended and peeked out of the window, Ujan looked at a wide forehead covered with dust-covered skin and just below it, two burning eyes stained with ink. Ujan looked up at the two eyes, he could not ignite anything, the secret of the burning of the two eyes of that  seven-eight year old child. The bus started.

Ujan did not understand when he had crossed his destination just by remembering those eyes.He left his seat and hurried to the front door of the bus. Ujan took the rent money out of his pocket as soon as he came forward with a wrinkled skinny hand with two or three ten rupee notes in front of his eyes. As soon as he went to hand over the money to the conductor, Ujan stopped again.

“What a fire again in the eyes !”

Taking the money in his hand, the conductor looked outside and took out the retail money from the bag and gave it to Ujan, again with the two eyes burning. As soon as the retailer was taken in hand, Ujan immediately got down from the bus.

His heart became heavy. 

A little further on, his eyes fell on the nearer park bench. Anuja was sitting away wearing a pink Salwar, his favourite one. Ujan was a little reassured to see Anuja sitting. He set the mask on his face a little more and moved on. As he approached, Ujan hugged Anuja from behind. Anuja sat like a stone. Unable to fathom the depth of the matter, Ujan slowly stood in front of Anuja; “Oh no! Those eyes again !! ” A hundred years old fire is burning just above the white mask her face! Ujan stopped and stood up. “Ohhh !! What a fire! What a fire! ”He did not understand anything. After staring at Ujan’s eyes for five to ten minutes, Anuja suddenly surrendered herself on Ujan, but after a while he moved back again. Although Ujan did not fully understand Anuja’s mind, Ujan understood the burning pain of non-receipt.

Ujan – Where are you too silent today ?

Anuja – Tell me what to say ..

Ujan – You called and ordered so you have to say first.

Anuja – Can’t you understand why you were called? will you never come if I don’t call ?

Ujan – Of course not, Babe ..

After talking for a long time about monogamy, anger, arrogance and complaints, Ujan looked at his watch.

Ujan – Now I have to get up today. It’s too late for the office!

Anuja – well .. come again ..

Ujan – Obviously, I will come, Anuja .. Don’t worry. Love you.

The two proceeded towards the bus stand.

Ujan – I have to cross the road, bye ..

The rain came down suddenly.

As soon as Ujan looked behind to bid her, he stopped again, ignoring the rain, as if the fire was burning again, that age-old, unadulterated fire.

The office route bus had already arrived. Assuring Anuja a lot, he went ahead alone again.

It was too late to reach the office. After preparing the presentation somehow, he went to the boss’s chamber ..

Boss – Why so late, Mr. Chatterjee?

Ujan – Sir, I got stuck in a little traffic jam.

Boss – Mr. Chatterjee, I’ve something to tell you.

Ujan- Yes, sir.

Boss – I’m stuck too! Between your file and Mr. Roy’s file. His presentation is great, plus profitable .. See, you leave your file here. I will notify you.

Seeing the manners and mannerisms of the boss, Ujan understood that ‘this offer is out of his hands’.

Half an hour later, one of his colleagues came and returned the file to Ujan, along with the boss’s letter, “This project has not been taken. It was given to Mr. Roy. Good luck. “

Leaving the letter on the desk, Ujan went to the washroom. In the midst of the epidemic, with the opportunity of promotion, this big offer was missed ..  Thinking so much, Ujan suddenly got a call from home. Ujan cut off the phone without understanding what to answer his mother. He sprinkled water on his face and kept his eyes on the mirror. He was astonished to see that fire again but this time in his own two eyes .. Now he understood the reason behind the burning. This is the fire of never-ending blamings, fear, frustration and disappointments.

But whom to blame ? — Is it Anuja ? Is it the traffic jam ? Or is it his fate ?

He stared at the mirror blankly and found the fire again.

“How to live? How to overcome ?” , He cried .

He thought to himself ..

“ There is a lot fire in everyone’s eyes. How is it that everyone is poor for lack of world.”

He repeated , “Butt who is to blame? How to live? How to overcome ?” And the fire of the unanswered cries of those questions kept on burning like a helpless spark!

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