
Love of Two Tribes


His mood consumed him, and he wished to be alone.

 Jenny and he argued like cats and dogs the entire night. No one knew why!, but for certain they realised it happened.

He sat with his companions drinking at a marriage. Drinks are a popular interest in tribal marriages. But it is an opportunity to celebrate. The youth and the men get a time to ease up a little while they meet a few old mates or make new ones at this moment.

All his companions were aware of the tussle, but spoke nothing about it. They kept him entertained with other comedic folklores. Someone would always be with him when he became consumed by grief; because that is when he became vulnerable. On one occasion, he survived being run over by a car while crossing the road by a woman who was crossing the street. 

Because of his passionate nature, even a slightest tussle in his relationship had a drastic effect. He had no other intention but to get drenched in drinking.

The drinks got the better of him, and he knew he had to eat to last longer. Jerry and he went to get some snacks for everyone. 

While returning to their friends, they got distracted on the way.

When they left the lawn and were heading towards the parking lot, they noticed a group of attractive women. They had just entered the party. Everyone noticed them as they entered. The Tribal Sarees were like a complimentary addition, which further enhanced their appearance. All seven of them had different shades of colour like a garden with colourful flowers; decorating their enticing frame.

 Each colour of their saree represented the patterns and sculptures of different tribal communities of Jharkhand. The tribes represented were Munda, Kharia, Ho, Santhal, Oraon, Kol and Birhor. Not only the way they looked flabbergasted the men; even women were awe-struck with these young beauties.

Victor knew he was in a relationship, but for that moment he seemed to have forgotten about Jenny. Jerry aware of the spectacle brought him back to reality. 

“Stop it! You shouldn’t be staring at other women,” said Jerry with a wicked smirk.

“Admiring God’s beautiful creations should not be a problem,” said Victor, looking a lot better now.

Once they returned to their drinking spot, their friends teased them. One of them said, ‘Victor’s mood has changed like the weather it seems’. Victor smiled with a reply, ‘Even storms fade away in front of charm’.

He tried to be calm; however, his heart could not be still. He wanted to get another glimpse of the girls, especially one in particular.

She wore the Kharia tribe’s saree because she belonged to the Kharia tribe. The yellow saree reflected like the sunlight on her dusky complexion. It was like; the sun was knowingly shed its light on her to make her the centre of attraction. Though she was short and petite, her eyes reflected a confident aura; one which did not shy away from searching looks. 

Victor walked through the entire event and could not find her. It further led to the growth of his longing. He wanted to see her with all his heart. To his misfortunes, he could not.

 He came back to the parking and drank. His friends knew, but were quiet and made him laugh again. They went for have lunch since none of them had eaten. It was Victor who had lost his appetite. He had very little food and set out on his excavation again. 

He scanned the interior hall, not leaving the adjacent rooms too. All his efforts were in vain, though. He had a feeling that she left but wanted to see her one more time.

He ended his search. The groom side was about to leave now, and the last dance was taking place. 

The tribal dance is a unique form. The best way to describe it is by stating that the dance itself is a symbol of unity and oneness. It further stimulates happiness to the ones performing it as they are physically close to each other. They usually perform it in celebrations and moments of joy. It has various variations from the easiest to the toughest ones.

They perform the dance in unison with one another, where each person holds the hand of the person in the front and at the back. This way, the people who perform the dance make a chain and the steps are in rhythm and in unison with one another. Dancers move in a circular pattern, repeating the steps along with the beat. The person in the front usually decides the steps to perform in a song. The tribal dance form allows for various experiments and it is a fun dance form which anyone will surely enjoy.

Jerry and the others wanted to dance, but Victor was in no mood for it. His eyes kept searching for the water which would extinguish the fire in his heart.

To everyone’s surprise, the girls appeared out of the earth. They too were dancing now, and they did it like they knew the art for a long time. 

The girls had formed a separate chain in which all seven of them were present. Victor felt enlightened seeing them and without hesitating joined in. Everyone around noticed the young man’s intentions, and they knew he could definitely not be blamed. 

Victor joined Roma and her friend in between the chain. He found out her name later on when her aunt called and she turned to smile. Roma turned to see who was joining them and as she saw Victor, she smiled at him with grace. Victor’s joy knew no barriers, and it was visible on his face. Jerry and his other friends gave a nod to Victor for him to enjoy the moment. Victor was doing his best, making the most of it; making little talks with Roma in between.

The dance is a uniting factor in tribal marriages and for many teenagers and young lovers it does wonders. Many men and woman in the tribal community find their partners during this dance. It might be weird to hear it, but I shall explain why!

The tribal community is a shy and conservative one. The people are shy, especially the younger ones; in speaking to the opposite sex. The dance acts as an icebreaker, allowing them to communicate. 

Victor and Roma danced, after which they both were in a deep conversation. They did not care for anything else, but were completely lost in each other. The dance had worked its magic again.

The party was about to be over. Before departing, they exchanged numbers with the desire to see each other again. They departed and started their journey to a new beginning.

A week later, after returning from her village; Roma had assured of meeting with Victor. It would be the first time they would meet after the marriage. 

Victor had cut off all ties with Jenny and move to the greener side.

Roma and Victor deiced to meet at Soros, a rugged ambient restaurant. Both were excited and a little eager for the meeting. Victor wore a plain black t-shirt and blue jeans with white sneakers. He also sprayed the David Beckham deodorant and shaved off the extra beard. Victor looked jacked in his attire, and he was sure Roma would love to see him this way.

Roma chose a beige trouser and white t-shirt, along with the blazer set. Though short, she looked classy and a little taller with the heels. She had always admired Nyka for its perfumes and applied it for this occasion. She looked admirable, and Victor stood amazed with the sight of her.

Victor received Roma from her house, and they drove towards Soros. He was playing ‘So Big’ by Iyaz on the stereo. It was like the perfect song, which popped up, eventually. 

Roma said, “I too like this song,” and started humming along. Victor smiled and kept cruising with the moment.

On reaching Soros, they took the lift after parking the car. It was just the two of them when Victor said, “I just wish to get stuck with you on this lift”. 

 “Not so soon, boy, Let us satisfy our hunger first,” she chuckled.

They reached the rooftop restaurant. Victor opened the door like a gentleman, and Roma smiled, blossoming like a flower in the sunlight. “Thank you, Victor” she said. Roma impressed him too; she pulled the chair back for Victor, showing him to take a seat when they reached the table. He obliged and thanked her.

Initially, they order for lemon soda and chicken nuggets. However, the food was not important, as much as their conversation. They spoke about themselves; their dreams and ambitions; each of them had certain plans for their lives. Both were very comfortable with each other and in a quick succession they sparked like two batteries. They spoke of their families and expectations their parents had from them. Roma wanted to be a model and Victor a writer. 

They went on for hours and the major topic of their conversation was travelling. They had a hunger for travelling the world; admiring the nature and also enjoy the luxuries that life offered. Something intently indulged them in their deep conversation that they forget about their hunger. The intensity of their talk had overtaken their hunger. They realised it very late and decide not to eat.

Their first date was a good one, and both were happy. Victor dropped her home and agreed to meet again. 

As time passed by, they met frequently and bonded strongly. They kept meeting each other, slowly opening a little more each time. It was apparent that both liked each other and wanted to be one.

Victor on a fine day surprised her with the help of her friend. He proposed unusually. Roma had to stand closing her eyes and Victor was on his knees with sunflowers. When Roma opened her eyes, she saw Victor kneeling and quiet; when suddenly, the lights behind him came to life which said “I Love You, Macushla”. 

“I love you too, Django,” said Roma.

Mary was the only spectator, and she recorded all of it. They had a feast after that and also a couple of drinks. It was possible because Mary’s parents were out of town and she had it planned for the couple.

The happiness of the hour was clear in the air, and the couple looked overjoyed. They kissed each other like no was watching; Mary stood there, a little embarrassed but joyous. She smiled at them and aware that the couple needed the alone time; she excused herself and went to her room.

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