
The Loser


Isn’t this word very common to hear? Yes it is.  

So let’s meet with Zain Kashyap who was famous by his owned title ‘loser’ in one of the societies of Karol  Bagh, Delhi.  

‘Zain, where are you? Zain’ a lady with papers in her hand was screaming loudly. He was busy playing  on the terrace so he didn’t hear her voice. She went upstairs, by moving closer to him she twisted his  ear and asked ‘What is this? You fail in all subjects’ He asked her to leave his ears and then in a very  pleasant manner he told ‘I am sorry mom, it is very hard for me to understand these subjects.’ Mrs.  Kashyap asked ‘What have you thought for your life? Have you made any plans? See your elder sister,  she has started earning too. I am very much tensed for you; what will happen to your life?’ He replied ‘Trust  me mom! I will not lose one day for sure.’  

Shreya Kashyap was his step sister; she has never cared for him as well as her mother because she had a  thought that her mother loved him only not her because he was her real child. She had a misconception  about him and Mrs. Kashyap. They lost their father after Zain’s birth in an accident. Zain was famous in the  colony with the names ‘Unlucky, bad fortune, loser etc’ because he had not achieved any medals or  awards in any field.  

One day, Yash Khorana came to their house, who was mad behind Shreya. He used to follow her for 5  months and then he was standing outside her house with flowers and rings. He called out her name  loudly standing there. She came out and was surprised to see the same boy whose complaint she was  going to register in the police station for harassing her in a public place. He proposed to her and asked to accept  the ring. She took the ring and threw it; she tightly slapped him in front of all. He wasn’t able to bear  that shame so he ran away. Zain went closer to her and asked ‘What happened di? Has he done  anything wrong to you?’ She replied in a harsh manner ‘Shut up! Focus on your work, don’t interfere in  my matter. Those who don’t do anything in their life; they come to give advice for others’ she made her  face and moved inside. In the evening on the same day, she got an urgent call to come to the office as soon as  possible. When she was about to go, her mother tried to stop by saying ‘Beta, don’t go now! It was a bad day. I am not getting positive vibes from your decision. Please don’t go’. She replied ‘You just take  care of your son not me. You are nobody to take decisions of my life’ and moved by closing the door loudly.  Zain was unsatisfied with her decision so he decided to follow her. He traced her at some steps; after  moving for minutes, he found that she suddenly disappeared from the silent deserted road. Nobody was  there; he was frightened and called her but her phone was switched off. He tried to locate her place with the  help of his phone but it was showing the same location. He started searching for her here and there; he  got her broken phone near the dustbin. He frightened ‘Where is she?’ He heard a voice then ‘save me  anyone please save me’ He followed the voice and saw that 5 boys were assembled in a corner. He went  closer and saw that the half naked girl was lying between them; whose condition was worse; her body was bleeding, her hands, legs were tied and a piece of cloth invoked her mouth ruthlessly to stop her  voice. He tried to call the police but that predator caught them. He screamed louder ‘You rascals, bastards 

think about her family. How could you be so cruel?’ Shreya was at some distance, she heard scream and  turned back to reach him. He started fighting with them. He was alone and they were five; he fought  with them with all his courage and efforts. In between, Shreya reached there and saw that her brother  was bleeding. She searched her phone to call the police but she remembered that she threw the phone a few minutes later. She screamed ‘Help anyone please, Help me’. Zain shouted ‘Go away from here di. Take  away her too. Go didi please go from here’ She cried and moved closer to the girl; she covered her with  her shawl and untied her. The girl stood up by taking her support. They tried to move but one of them put a knife on her neck and asked Zain to surrender. He surrendered and got beaten up by them brutally.  Shreya saw the chance to help him; she struck one head with a heavy wooden stick. He fell down and  then Zain showed his inner power to them. Shreya took her to a safe place and then she returned to the  same place; she saw that all were lying dead at the place. ‘Didi, I haven’t failed today. I did it, you and  mom will be very proud of me today’ She turned back after hearing these words of Zain. She told ‘Han  bhai, you are not a loser. You proved it; I am very proud of you’. She went closer and when she hugged  him, he fainted. She found that a knife was inserted in his back. She screamed ‘Bhai, wake up. I love you  bhai. Please wake up; I promise I will never talk to you in bad manners anymore. Come back please.’  

He smiled and once again he lose his life……He was titled right ‘The Loser’ 

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One thought on “The Loser

  1. Awesome, Creative and impressive